oh I think they’ll love it today it’s
gonna be a great day
oh hey everybody welcome to class I
didn’t know I was being reported well
guess what

today we’re talking about prediction and more specifically we’re dealing with

modal verbs will and might so strap on
your seat belts it’s motive time okay
number one let’s talk about formation
now like any other modal typical modal
we form will or might by using the
specific modal verb followed by an
infinitive without to for example we’ll
be okay the same is for might be now in
negative form we often use the
contracted form of will which would be
won’t will not okay so won’t and we
might even do another history of want

why do we not say will instead of want

but that’s another story for another day
so this is the negated form of will will
not be and might we have no contracted
form we just say might not be it might
not be now let’s talk about the meaning
of will as a prediction in might as a
prediction alone now will is typically
more certain okay its nature in its
natural form as it brings more certainty
might brings less certainty okay so
might less certainty will more certainty
however we can change the degree
especially with will for example

if I am the Weathermen and I say it will

rain or Saturday will bring rain showers
now number one this is a prediction that
is not imminent because we have talked
about predictions with going to versus
will and going to is more imminent for
example it’s going to rain if we’re at a
cafe and we see rain clouds well will is
further out we don’t have as much
evidence but we’re still predicting
nevertheless so we can change the degree
or certainty by using words such or
words and phrases now one phrase popular
one is I think so I think changes degree
entirely okay now if we’re predicting it
means that we’re not sure okay
so I think it will be good well guess
what ladies and gentlemen this means
something entirely different then it
will be good it will be good sounds very

promising I think it will be good sounds

less promising doesn’t it yeah so this
is this is one okay the one way so we
can bring this uncertainty also with our
plans and arrangements in the future it
you can think of them as plans of
arrangements or even predictions I think
I’ll go I think we’ll go for coffee
later we’re not sure we have not decided
this okay so number one we use words
like think or even May
maybe it will be good or maybe I’ll go
maybe I’m not sure does the same thing
now let’s speak of another form let’s be
more certain in this case okay alright
so we can say words of more certainty
such as certainly definitely it will
definitely be good so in most cases in
positive form okay definitely is an
adverb of course so definite oops
definitely okay now this brings
certainty this is ah there’s it you know

it will definitely rain on Saturday

there’s no question okay this is a very
very certain okay we can say for example
another word a different word is
probably well probably okay we we’re not
certain but okay bowel okay it probably
will rain but it’s not 100% correct
alright so now when we’re using the
negative form won’t okay it it probably
oops I misspelled probably okay it
probably won’t rain so the adverb goes
before it will probably rain probably
goes after the modal will but if we you
the the negative form of will won’t then
probably goes before okay Kuji mom all
coos mokuzu moku’s mo understand
understand all right very good now you
know we we don’t use well excuse me let
me retract that we use will with
questions right more questions like will
it you know or do you think do you think
it will okay we cannot say might it’s
okay we cannot use might okay only will
with when the auxilary excuse me when
the modal verb help begins the sentence
only will we can only use will here so
now let’s move on to might it is very
very simple again might emphasizes less
certainty we do not use contracted forms
of might okay we can only say might not
additionally we use might with indirect
questions instead of direct questions so
for example do you think as we just
discussed with will we can use with
direct questions will it rain well we
can’t say might it rain we would say do
you think do you think it

will you excuse me it might we can use

wills also but we have to use mind and
indirect okay do you think it might rain
or do you think it might something okay
now these are the basic principles of
might just less certainty and that’s it
okay so now it’s time to practice let us
put our knowledge to the test complete
the sentences with the correct form of
will people are searching for a greener
form of air transport some experts think
large balloons that can carry people
called airships are a solution okay here
are some recent predictions okay
airships land and takeoff straight up
from the ground so they will carry
people and things to places with no
airports like the Arctic now that would
just done for us they are comfortable
and quiet so air ships will probably
okay be sorry I left out the verb
popular for luxury travel so this
emphasizes the placement of adverb which
needs to be between will and the main

verb okay let’s move on airships are

very slow so planes won’t disappear
that’s pretty easy okay alright airships
can carry things across short distances
distances so we’ll transport so they
will transport would be a better form of
this sentence okay
airships travel at 100 miles per hour so
it will take okay simple stuff isn’t it
they can only carry 12 people so trips
now here we have a negative form so we
use the adverb before probably won’t be
broth vote now let us put our knowledge
to the test by either using will or

might number two is a question so more

we must use will to begin the question
we may not use might to begin direct
questions number three we the link go by
train but it’ll probably be too
expensive here we’re trying to emphasize
more uncertainty so might would be the
appropriate choice I think we well I
think therefore I will think of that I
think therefore I will not i am i think
the cognate are gonna assume Cognito
agro culture I will so I think therefore

I will so will okay I think we will I

think will number five John thinks we
probably definitely won’t because we use
with probably will or won’t okay six all
experts believe believe is like think
okay so we use will with believe I think
robots blank check passports in airports
now here we’re trying to show more
certainty less certainty less certainty
because here we are very strong strongly
saying that we believe they won’t so it
would be wiser and better to use might
in the first
because we use will in the second okay
we’re contrasting our certainty so here
this is 100% um here it’s better to use
might because we’re we’re trying to show
less certainty so this is pretty it guys
this is pretty much it will continue
working keep up the good job keep
practicing looking forward to seeing you
next lesson have a good day bye bye