Najčešći nepravilni glagoli

  • I came home at seven thirty last night. (Došao/Došla sam sinoć doma u 19:30.)
  • You did the housework very quickly yesterday. (Jučer si vrlo brzo napravio/napravila kućne poslove.)
  • She made dinner for ten people last Saturday. (Napravila je večeru za deset ljudi prošle subote.)
  • He ate a lot at lunchtime. (Pojeo je puno za ručak.)
  • We drove to Germany in 2012. (Vozili/Vozile smo se do Njemačke u 2012. godini.)

Irregular past simple verbs are not formed by adding -ed to the infinitive. They all take different forms.

Nepravilni glagoli u past simpleu se ne tvore dodavanjem -ed na infinitiv. Svi oni poprimaju različite oblike.

There are no general rules for the formation of irregular verbs.

Nema općenitih pravila za tvorbu nepravilnih glagola.

Regular (Pravilni glagoli)
walk->walked plan->planned move->moved
Irregular (Nepravilni glagoli)
go->went eat->ate write->wrote

The past simple is the same for all persons for both regular and irregular verbs. 

Past simple je isti za sva lica za pravilne i nepravilne glagole.

Positive (+)

I (Ja)

You (Ti)

He/She/It (On/Ona/Ono)

We (Mi)

They (Oni)


(sam išao/si išao/je išao /itd.)

to the park yesterday. (do parka jučer.)

We use the past simple to talk about finished actions in the past states. 

Koristimo past simple kako bi govorili o završenim radnjama u prošlosti.

He left the house an hour ago. 

Izašao je iz kuće prije sat vremena.

I had Salsa lessons last year. 

Išao sam na tečaj Salse prošle godine.


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