- I came home at seven thirty last night. (Došao/Došla sam sinoć doma u 19:30.)
- You did the housework very quickly yesterday. (Jučer si vrlo brzo napravio/napravila kućne poslove.)
- She made dinner for ten people last Saturday. (Napravila je večeru za deset ljudi prošle subote.)
- He ate a lot at lunchtime. (Pojeo je puno za ručak.)
- We drove to Germany in 2012. (Vozili/Vozile smo se do Njemačke u 2012. godini.)
Irregular past simple verbs are not formed by adding -ed to the infinitive. They all take different forms.
Nepravilni glagoli u past simpleu se ne tvore dodavanjem -ed na infinitiv. Svi oni poprimaju različite oblike.
There are no general rules for the formation of irregular verbs.
Nema općenitih pravila za tvorbu nepravilnih glagola.
Regular (Pravilni glagoli) | ||
walk->walked | plan->planned | move->moved |
Irregular (Nepravilni glagoli) | ||
go->went | eat->ate | write->wrote |
The past simple is the same for all persons for both regular and irregular verbs.
Past simple je isti za sva lica za pravilne i nepravilne glagole.
Positive (+) | ||
I (Ja) You (Ti) He/She/It (On/Ona/Ono) We (Mi) They (Oni) |
went (sam išao/si išao/je išao /itd.) |
to the park yesterday. (do parka jučer.) |
We use the past simple to talk about finished actions in the past states.
Koristimo past simple kako bi govorili o završenim radnjama u prošlosti.
He left the house an hour ago.
Izašao je iz kuće prije sat vremena.
I had Salsa lessons last year.
Išao sam na tečaj Salse prošle godine.
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Pitanje 1 of 4
1. Question
34 point(s)Category: VocabularyComplete the chart with the correct form of the irregular verb
Past Past Participle Croatian translation be biti become postati begin početi blow puhati break slomiti bring donijeti build graditi buy kupiti burst puknuti catch uhvatiti choose izabrati come doći cut rezati deal trgovati do učiniti drink piti drive voziti
Correct 34 / 34 PointsIncorrect / 34 Points -
Pitanje 2 of 4
2. Question
40 point(s)Category: VocabularyComplete the chart with the correct form of the irregular verb
Past Past Participle Croatian translation eat jesti fall pasti feed hraniti feel osjećati fight boriti se find naći fly letjeti forbid zabraniti forget zaboraviti forgive oprostiti freeze smrznuti get dobiti give dati go ići grow rasti have imati hear čuti hide sakriti hold držati hurt raniti
Correct 40 / 40 PointsIncorrect / 40 Points -
Pitanje 3 of 4
3. Question
30 point(s)Category: VocabularyComplete the chart with the correct form of the irregular verb
Past Past Participle Croatian translation keep čuvati know znati lay poleći lead voditi leave otići let pustiti lie ležati lose izgubiti make narediti meet sresti pay platiti quit prestati read čitati ride jahati run trčati
Correct 30 / 30 PointsIncorrect / 30 Points -
Pitanje 4 of 4
4. Question
56 point(s)Category: VocabularyComplete the chart with the correct form of the irregular verb
Past Past Participle Croatian translation say reći see vidjeti seek tražiti sell prodati send poslati shake tresti shine sijati sing pjevati sit sjediti sleep spavati speak govoriti spend provoditi/trošiti spring skočiti stand stati steal krasti swim plivati swing njihati se take uzeti teach učiti tear rastrgati tell reći think misliti throw baciti understand razumijeti wake probuditi se wear nositi win pobjediti write čitati
Correct 56 / 56 PointsIncorrect / 56 Points -