Konstrukcije sa have i get – causatives u engeskom jeziku

  1. We‘re having the roof repaired in the summer.
  2. At this hotel, you can get your dry-cleaning done for free.
  3. He had to have his head shaved when he joined the army.
  4. We had the doctor check her blood pressure.
  5. I‘m getting Alex to pick my parents up from the airport.


have ili get + particip prošlosti

Koristimo have/ get+ particip prošlosti kako bismo rekli da netko nešto radi umjesto nas, obično kad to dogovorimo. Ne kažemo tko vrši akciju. Općenito koristimo get za neformalnije situacije.

Struktura je:

have / get + objekt + particip prošlosti

  1. I had my apartment valued last week.
  2. We’re having our office decorated at the moment.
  3. Where do you get your hair cut?
  4. I‘m getting my car serviced tomorrow.
Također koristimo ovu strukturu da kažemo da nam se dogodi nešto nepoželjno ili negativno. Ne koristimo get na ovaj način.

We had my car broken into.

Sarah ‘s had her bike stolen.

neka netko nešto učini 
natjerati nekoga da nešto učini

Mi koristimo have/ get nekoga nešto učini kad se dogovorimo da netko učini nešto za nas. Ovom strukturom kažemo tko vrši akciju.

Strukture s have i get malo se razlikuju:

have + someone + infinitive (without to)

  1. I had someone clean the carpets.
  2. We’re going to have some of the students teach one of the lessons.

get + someone + infinitive with -to

  1. I got someone to clean the carpets.
  2. We’re going to get some of the students to teach one of the lessons.
