English courses and Croatian Courses we offer

online tečaj engleskog jezika

Online English Language Course

Have you ever wanted to learn English but can never find the time? We all can easily use this excuse of “Oh, I would like to learn English, but I just don’t have time!” What if we told you of an Online English course that offered you the convenience of learning English from your own home or workplace without the worry of rush hour traffic or the torments of walking in the rain, snow, cold, or heat!

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General group English Course

Our general English course offers a fun package filled with speaking and grammar exercises. This English course consists of two hours of sixty minutes of instruction per week for fifteen weeks (a total of thirty hours). Our goal is to draw you into the world of the English language. An English course at the American Center will give you the opportunity to use English in the classroom and more importantly – outside of it.

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tečaj engleskog za početnike

English courses for beginners

If you think everyone around you is fluent in English, we have great news – it’s just not true! Regardless of your age, it is never too early or too late to start learning English. Our English for Beginners course offers you all the tools for a successful journey through an adventure called learning English.

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English courses for children

Our English for Children course offers your children the opportunity to fully immerse themselves in an environment filled exclusively with communication in English. At the American Center, they will soak up the English language like a sponge through activities such as singing to live music (guitar), drawing, coloring, and storytelling. We look forward to seeing you and your child!

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